February’s NeuroNight

February’s NeuroNight

February NeuroNight with Dr. Ramani Balu (Inova Fairfax)
Philadelphia, PA || February 27, 2023

On February 27th, we hosted Dr. Ramani Balu from Inova Fairfax at the Moberg Analytics Intergalactic Headquarters. He was visiting some long-time friends at Penn Medicine where he trained, and we were fortunate enough that he was able to make time for us. Ram was an early adopter of multimodal neuromonitoring and used it to guide the management of his patients. We took him into our production studio and filmed a great discussion of those early days, the framework in which he managed his patients, and what he thinks we need to do in the future. You can see that video here:

That evening, Ram gave a talk at our monthly NeuroNight where we discussed his previous work at Penn Medicine in multimodal monitoring and ideas for an upcoming clinical trial. We have these meetings usually on the first Thursday of the month, and speakers come from around the country. If you are ever planning to be in the Philadelphia area, let us know and we’ll let you know the schedule. They start with food and drinks and are very informal but always lead to great discussions. One of our student interns made cookies for this meeting…. as shown in the picture below. We may end up broadcasting or recording them.

February’s NeuroNight

Picture of Dick Moberg

Dick Moberg

CEO & Founder

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