Moberg Minds: Zujun Yang
We have an incredible team of hard working people here at Moberg Analytics, and would love to introduce you to them! Each month, we’ll highlight someone who helps make Moberg Analytics all that it is.
Zujun Yang
Cloud Software Engineer

Hi, my name’s Zujun, and I’m from China. I started working at Moberg Analytics during my master’s degree at Drexel University. I participated in our medical software project, designed and implemented modules of intuitive medical reports for users.
With some experience in IT infrastructure, networking, and virtualization, I was happy to bring industry best practices to this neuromonitoring and cloud technology company to enable us to improve development efficiency and provide more consistent service to our customers more quickly.
I am honored that during my time working here, my wife Carly and I had our first baby, Avery. We shared this excitement and joy with the people here. To me, Moberg Analytics is more of a family and a harbor than a company. In my spare time, I play video games and enjoy time with my family. Our baby is growing up fast and we as parents are trying to keep up with her.