Guest Feature: Updates on ICM+ From Dr. Peter Smielewski

Guest Feature: Updates on ICM+ From Dr. Peter Smielewski

Picture of Guest Author: Dr. Peter Smielewski

Guest Author: Dr. Peter Smielewski

Senior Research Associate at University of Cambridge Neuroscience

ICM+ had a very busy start of the year. Following the very successful one-day workshop in Cape Town in November 2022, a satellite to the ICP and Brain Monitoring meeting, we organized in partnership with Dick Moberg a one and a half day workshop in the Moberg Analytics Headquarters in Philadelphia in January. Both workshops were oversubscribed showing a tremendous interest in the neurocritical care community in high resolution data collection and analysis. 

The meeting included many in-depth talks on all aspects of neuromonitoring, from high quality data collection to archiving and from real time processing to offline analysis of individual files and large repositories of data sets. This was complemented with hands-on experimentation with various monitors and sample data sets.

ICM+ Workshop at the ICP 2022 Meeting in Cape Town

ICM+ Workshop at the ICP 2022 Meeting in Cape Town

The combined workshop bringing together ICM+ and Moberg Analytics approaches was a little experiment to gauge interest in such an event and try out a possible format as well as to assess the unmet need in training of the healthcare professionals in advanced neuromonitoring. Judging from our observation and the feedback we received, it worked great and we can now disclose that we are now planning a much bigger event along a similar format to be organized later in the year to fit around the busy meetings schedule. Details will be released via this newsletter and other social media in due course.

Dr. Erta Beqiri at the Multimodal Monitoring Workshop in Philadelphia at the Moberg Analytics Intergalactic Headquarters

Dr. Erta Beqiri at the Multimodal Monitoring Workshop in Philadelphia

In addition, the workshop at Moberg Analytics was followed with a special online session on the clinical impact of continuous monitoring of cerebral autoregulation, particularly in traumatic brain injury patients. The participants, composed of selected experts in this field, shared their experience via a survey and lively discussions. The results of this event will be eventually published to guide others interested in application of this methodology in their ICUs.

Peter Smielewski, Erta Bequiri, Soojin Park, and Dick Moberg at the Moberg Analytics Intergalactic Headquarters

Peter Smielewski, Erta Beqiri, Soojin Park, and Dick Moberg at the Moberg Analytics Intergalactic Headquarters

In other news, we have finally released the 64-bit version of ICM+. Users that have an active subscription will be able to download it from their user area. Please note that this version is initially only to be used for off-line analysis, as the individual monitor modules still need to be converted to their 64-bit versions. However, the main reason for downloading this version is so that it now allows loading very large raw data files as well as enabling machine learning libraries to be used in the plugin Python scripts.

For those of you interested in CSF dynamics and its role in diagnosing normal pressure hydrocephalus I would like to invite you to check out our Reversible Dementia project, and particularly video presentations from our ‘Innovation and Transformation – NPH Symposium’ which took place in Cambridge on 13th of March. The videos will be available there shortly.

Finally, if you missed the ICM+ users’ meeting at the ICP 2022 meeting, why don’t you head over to our website and enjoy the recorded video presentations there on various topics of neuromonitoring. And while you are there, you might be interested to check out our set of 27 lectures on Brain Physics. You never know, maybe you will find something inspirational there for your practice or research.

Til Next Time,
Peter Smielewski

Guest Feature: Updates on ICM+ From Dr. Peter Smielewski

Picture of Moberg Analytics

Moberg Analytics

Moberg Analytics

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